This Week at a Glance


9:30 & 11:00 AM 



  • 6 PM | Family Night
  • 6 PM | Awana, MSM
  • 7 PM | HSM (BCS Campus)

VISION 24/25

This year’s theme focuses on the opportunity we have, both as individual followers of Jesus and as believers who make up Bible Center Church, to take our next step toward becoming more like Jesus, allowing Him to continue molding us into people who love who He loves and live how He lived.


As we launch “A Year of Transformation,” we open our hands and our hearts to what God may have for us, both individually and collectively, as we step forward into the next page of His story for Bible Center, following the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


September 18 | 6-7 PM | Choose from two options each month to grow your faith and learn practicals ways to live out your faith.

  • M.A.P. Out Your Personal Calling
  • Raising Kids Who Flourish

Plan to arrive a little early to grab a bite to eat!

News & Events

Church Life

Membership Class

Friday, September 20 | 6:30 PM | Considering membership? Want to learn more about Bible Center? Ready to find your fit and join the mission? Meet some of our staff and learn how you can be a part of all God is doing in our community. In addition, we’ll cover our core beliefs, mission, vision, values, and more! Register now! Registration for child care (up to 5th grade) should be submitted by September 16 to make sure it’s adequately staffed.

You’re Invited! Vision 24/25 Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, September 21 | 9 AM | Rm. 3101/02 | Join our pastors and prayer partners in humbly asking God to transform and use us as we seek to impact our world through our Vision 24/25 objectives. A light breakfast will be provided. RSVP by Sunday, September 15.

Baptism Sunday

September 29 | Ready to go public with your faith in Jesus? If you’re ready to take this next step in your journey with Christ, register by Sunday, September 22. To learn more about baptism and what to expect, attend our baptism class on Wednesday, September 11, at 6 PM in the auditorium.


Fall GEMS Event

Saturday, October 12 | 12-2 PM | Happy Fall Y’all! Widows and widowers are invited for a special time of food, fun, and friends. Special music by the Back to Bethel Quartet. RSVP to the church office (304-346-0431) by September 30.


Uganda GO Team Informational Meeting

An informational meeting will be held after both morning services on September 15 (10:30 and 12:30) in Room 2104 (next to the kitchen). This GO Team will hold a VBS with global partners John and Christy Page in April 2025.


Bible Center School

BCS is seeking substitute teachers and aftercare assistants. Contact Assistant Principal Emily King.

Bible Center School/Preschool

Preschool Openings (Birth-to-3)

Spaces are available for children, ages 2-3. To find out more or schedule a tour, contact Preschool Director, Courtney Levchak.

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