Sunday | 9:30 & 11:00 AM


Sunday | 11:00 AM

Church Life

First Sunday (Membership Class)

April 6 | 15 mins. after the 11 AM service ends | If membership is your next step, or if you’re just interested in knowing more about what it means to be a member, join us for a chance to meet some of our staff and learn how you can be a part of all God is doing in our church, community, and state. In addition, we’ll cover our core beliefs, mission, vision, values, and more! Lunch is provided and kids are welcome! For planning purposes, registration is preferred


Egg Hunt Donations & Volunteers

Wednesday, April 9 | 5-8 PM | Help welcome the community to the Easter Egg Hunt! How you can get involved:

  1. Donate small individually wrapped candy and candy-filled eggs (no empty eggs, please), or purchase from our Amazon list to have items delivered straight to the church.
  2. Serve at the event. We’ll have a great time serving together and connecting with all who attend!

Make a Difference Through Prayer

After each service, prayer partners are available on each side of the auditorium to celebrate the praises and share the burdens of our congregation. During the week, they pray for requests that have been shared online or dropped in our Prayer Boxes. What a powerful and practical way to serve our church family! Contact Paula Toney.

Looking for a Way to Serve Others?

Love to serve through hospitality? Opportunities are available to serve as Greeters and on the Sunday Morning Refreshment Team. Contact Paula Toney.


Ladies’ Zoom Group

Sundays | 5 PM | Looking for care and connection? Whether it’s hard for you to get out, or you just don’t want another place to go, you’re invited to our Bible study and  prayer group via Zoom. The group is currently reading the Bible in a year via the Bible Recap program. For more info, contact Sue Peros: (304) 549-8911 or Cathy Colby: (304) 767-5099.


Emerge Camp Registration is Open!

Monday-Friday | June 9-13, 2025 | Grades 6-12 | Summer Camp will be here before you know it! Get ready for an unforgettable week full of high-energy and powerful nights of worship and lessons that will push you to take the next step in your faith. We’ll have tons of fun with lots of activities and time to connect with friends. Take advantage of the Early Bird pricing by signing up by Sunday, April 6. Get all the details at!


Bible Center School Substitute Teachers

BCS is currently seeking substitute teachers for K-8th Grade. Contact Assistant Principal Emily King at

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