Our Mission and Values
For more than 80 years, Bible Center Church has existed to bring hope to the Kanawha Valley, to West Virginia, and to the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our mission is at the heart of everything we do.
Follow Me, and I will make you fish for people.
Connect (Follow Me) | The Gospel is Central, so we live to share the Gospel with everyone so that they may follow Jesus and participate in His church.
Grow (and I will make you) | We build HABITS by always taking our next step of growth.
Multiply (fishers of men) | We intentionally make more disciples by helping others to connect and grow. We continue this process until we saturate the state with the Gospel. We are #ForCountryRoads.
Making disciples of Jesus
By encouraging each person to
- Connect
- Grow
- Multiply
When we increasingly
- Love God.
- Love others.
- Love our neighbors.
Our Values
At Bible Center Church, we are united as followers of Jesus who are passionate about sharing the grace, goodness, and truth of God. Built on a solid foundation of God’s faithfulness and the faithfulness of many who have called Bible Center home, we are a family—knit together by the hope of Jesus and the desire to see others come to Him.
We believe that values combined with consistent behaviors result in culture. As we dream of statewide impact for Jesus, our willingness to value what God values and to live the way He’s called us to live will continue to produce a culture which God works in and through to bring glory to His name. Prayerfully, the result is momentum toward a movement that saturates our state with the hope of the gospel—that all may hear.
Valuing the Past, Shaping the Future
What God has done through the people who have called Bible Center home over the past 80 years is incredible. We stand on their shoulders, benefit from their sacrifices, and have been generationally discipled by their love for Jesus.
Valuing the past compels us to care for and honor those who have led the way.
Looking forward motivates us to continue reaching more people with the hope of the gospel, believing that God has more for us to do.
We will continuously look for new ways to intersect with our world and provide more people with the opportunity to meet Jesus and to grow in Him. Our hands are open and our hearts are ready to step into opportunities that will make an impact for His glory well into the future.
The Gospel is Central
We know the gospel is not just a one-time decision we make, but a message that influences every part of our lives. It is not just good news for the individual, but it is also the foundation of our unity as brothers and sisters in Christ, sent together on mission to the world.
The gospel is the central message and theme of Scripture. God creates out of His goodness, wisdom, and will.
Sin breaks everything–our relationships with God, one another, and the world itself. Jesus saves by grace through faith through His death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus transforms those He saves and gives us ongoing hope in the reality that God restores all things.
The church, in unity, RALLIES around this core message. It shapes our Christian community and the way we live our daily lives and gives us purpose and mission as we look toward the future.
We Gather
Being together with those who call Bible Center home is one of the most important things we do each week. It is where we find encouragement for our souls, challenge for our walk, and shoulders for sharing our burdens.
It is a place where Christ in me meets Christ in you.
We are needed here.
Through these gatherings we bear witness to Christ’s work among us, we celebrate life change, we collectively respond in praise to Him, and we sit under the teaching of His Word.
We attend regularly knowing that these gatherings are special moments in our lives and we trust that God will use our ongoing commitment to them to continue to shape us more into the image of Jesus.
Humble Learners
The Bible is God’s Word to us.
We look to His Word as the authority in our lives and we seek to humbly submit to His way. We approach it with reverence, humility, and a deep desire to align our lives to God’s Word.
It teaches us, guides us, and reveals the nature and character of God and His intent for our lives and for the world.
We study it intently, welcoming those moments where we are challenged to change by the truth given to us. We seek to interpret it and apply it correctly, knowing that it benefits each follower of Jesus.
We are committed to being in the Bible as an ongoing habit, allowing its truth to shape our lives.
Generosity is Normal
As Savior, Jesus was willing to give all to come to earth and rescue us. He modeled generosity at the deepest level, and because of His sacrifice, we can know God.
For us–as people who have placed our faith in Christ and have come face to face with the depth of our own depravity and the cost of our salvation–generosity becomes a normal part of our response. We look for opportunities to help and serve others and to give sacrificially so that more people can meet Jesus, grow in Him, and offer their God-given abilities to see the mission come to pass.
Generosity is a defining hallmark of our journey toward Christlikeness and is an indicator of our hearts, so we invest faithfully into things that have eternal value.
God Can
We deeply believe that God is the creator, the provider, and the sustainer of all things.
Everything that exists comes from Him.
We also believe that He is good and He is able. He has a vision for us and our world that is greater than we could ever imagine. He is working to make all things new, and He invites us to participate in what He is doing.
We depend on His provision, direction, and moving. We talk to God consistently and fervently, believing that God wants to do more than we can ask or think in the hearts and lives of people in our state.
We Love our Neighbors
The person across the street, the person in the grocery store, the destitute, the hurting, the country club member, the foster child–each and every person is our neighbor.
We see loving people as the practical evidence of our love for God. Sharing our faith and our lives with those around us becomes a deep part of our purpose on earth.
This love for people causes us to reprioritize our lives, our stuff, our goals, and our daily schedules around helping, investing, and spending time with our neighbors. Jesus loved us when we were unlovable and has sent us to show that love to the world.
People matter to us.
Each local church is a part of God’s worldwide mission. Each church is also called to a particular area and town where God has planted it. We believe Bible Center is uniquely positioned to impact Charleston, the Valley, and even the state to make more disciples of Jesus.
Through an ever-expanding circle of disciples, leaders, and churches, the gospel can go forward into every city, town, school, neighborhood, hollow, and hilltop across our state–literally saturating West Virginia with the gospel.
Such a mission calls us to dream, to innovate, to partner, to grow, and to go for it with clear minds and full hearts.