Sermon Series

About the Series

September-November 2024

Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fish for people.”  These simple words, spoken to a few ordinary people caught up in the day to day of their own lives, would ultimately launch a movement that would revolutionize the way humans interact with God. Step by step, as these original disciples followed after Jesus, they were changed, molded, and sent to carry the mission of Christ to this world. In the same way, Jesus now asks us to follow Him—in the way that He loves, standing on the truth that He demonstrated—so that we, too, may experience the life that He promises.

As we launch “A Year of Transformation,” we open our hands and our hearts to what God may have for us, both individually and collectively, as we step forward into the next page of His story for Bible Center.

This series kicks off with Vision Sunday on September 8.

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A guide designed for deeper personal or group study.

Love Who Jesus Loves

  • September 15
    A Love Sent to Us
  • September 22
    A Love Surprising in Scope
  • September 29
    A Love Sacrificial in Expression

Learn What Jesus Said

  • October 6
    A Lesson in Life and Power
  • October 13
    A Lesson in Law and Grace

Live How Jesus Lived

  • October 20
    A Life Free of Worry
  • October 27
    A Life Filled with Presence
  • November 3
    A Life Found in Loss