Life Groups


Life Groups exist to help people connect and grow. There are a variety of Life Groups available Sunday mornings and throughout the week (men’s, women’s, and family groups). Life Groups are for anyone at Bible Center looking for spiritual friends and a deeper connection to Jesus and the church. Groups provide opportunities for conversation and care.

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Sunday Morning Group Schedule

9:30 AM

Young Professionals
Living Room | Mitri Ghareeb, Corey Tornes, Jake Tanner, Jordan Thompson

Young Families
Room 3101/02 | Troy McClung

College & Young Adults
Room 3104 | Abbie Hamilton

Topical Studies
Room 3105 | Matt Walker, Mike DeTemple, Rob Mears

MS/HS Parents
Room 3106 | Travis Mulanax, BJ Carney, Bill Scharf and Jon Duffy


9:45 AM

New Parents
Room 1122/23| James & Kalila Jeffrey; Mitri & Heather Ghareeb

11:00 AM

Lee Walker/Wayne Pugh Group
Room 3101/02

Nick Munoz Group
Room 3104

Topical Studies
Living Room | Paul Legg, Jack Whitt

Richard Thompson Group
Room 3106

Explore Weekday Groups

Many groups meet throughout the Kanawha Valley during the week. Check out the opportunities, and join a Life Group today!

The Impact of Community

What are Life Groups?

Life Groups are gatherings of 10-16 people in homes throughout the Kanawha Valley for the purpose of fellowship, prayer, and sermon based study. Our groups seek to cultivate community by sharing life together through Christ.

What should I know?

  • Groups are available on most evenings.
  • Child friendly groups are available for people with children.

How do I get involved?

Visit the “Find a Group” page and contact the group leader through the information provided. If you’re struggling to find a group, contact Pastor Mike Graham (304-346-0431).

Start a Group

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