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9:30 AM (Multigen)
11:00 AM (Modern)

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100 Bible Center Dr.
Charleston, WV 25309

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Summer Sermon Series

How do I know what God wants for me or what His plan is? What matters most to Him?

Be in the Bible

Join us on the journey of reading and understanding the Bible.

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Ready to grow in your faith? We use HABITS as a tool to remember 6 ways to grow.

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Life can be tough. Don’t face it alone.

Whether you’re brand new or you’ve been here a while, we want you to feel at home. We have the opportunity to gather each Sunday for music, hearing God’s Word, and hanging out with one another, all while experiencing the love and hope of Jesus. Smaller groups meet throughout the week for conversation and care while providing a safe place to struggle. Hope to see you soon!

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Need Prayer?

Life can be tough… We want to help. How can we pray for you today?

Resources for Daily Living


Take Your Next Step

No matter where you are on your faith journey, we’d love to help you get connected. Whether you’re new or you’ve been here a while, we’re here for you.

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Find Support

Find freedom from anxiety, depression, abuse, pornography, sexual struggles, and more. Get the help and support you need in a safe and caring community.

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Impact the Community

Invest in the lives of people who are facing daily challenges by building bridges and developing ongoing relationships. You can make a difference!

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