SPAM Camp 2024

JULY 8-11 | 6:00-8:30 PM | AGES 4-5 & K-5TH GRADE

Energetic music, engaging lessons and SPAM Camp (SPorts, Art, and Music)

Bible Center members and attenders

SPAM Camp will be as exciting as ever this year! In addition to great music and challenging lessons on how to grow our faith in Jesus, kids (K-5th) will choose an activity to focus on throughout the week while connecting deeper with friends and leaders. They can learn a new skill or enhance an interest they already have.

Kids ages 4-5 will enjoy special activities just for them and geared toward their age group.

Cost: $15 (Includes all of the week’s activities and supplies, snacks, and t-shirt). We want everyone to enjoy SPAM Camp; if the cost poses a hardship for your family, please reach out to Pastor Steve.


Soccer • Basketball • Cheerleading • Karate • Golf • Art • Music


  • 5:30 PM | Doors open for check-in
  • 6:00-6:30 | Opening session in auditorium
  • 6:30-7:55 | Activities and snacks
  • 8:00 | Closing program
  • 8:30 | Pick-up and dismissal from auditorium


Register Your Child(ren)

Ages 4-5 will have crafts and activities inside.

K-5th Grade will choose an activity for the week. (Children will stay in the same activity for the week.) Soccer, basketball, cheerleading, karate, golf, art, or music.

Be part of the team.

It takes a small army to make SPAM Camp happen. We’d love to have you as part of our volunteer team to help our activity leaders. There are many ways to jump in, so come join the fun!

Have fun!

We can’t wait to see you! Once you arrive on July 8, our team of volunteers will get children checked in and make sure they know where to go. Allow a few extra minutes on the first night.


Where does my K-5th grader go?

Simply head to a check-in station and enter your phone number or child’s name to check in and obtain your child’s name tag and your pick-up/security tag (you won’t need the bar code sent to you via email). You will need the security tag when you pick up your child. Proceed to the main auditorium. Our team of volunteers will be ready to help you find your way.

Where does my 4-5 year old go?

Simply head to a check-in station and enter your phone number or child’s name to check in and obtain your child’s name tag and your pick-up/security tag (you won’t need the bar code sent to you via email). You will need the security tag when you pick up your child.

All children who have not yet started Kindergarten shoudl take the middle stairwayto the bottom floor. They will be in the same assigned room/group each night. Our team of volunteers will be ready to help you find your way.


What if my child would like to change events?

We will do everything possible to help your child have the best experience possible. We will be glad to adjust their registration one time during the week. As you can imagine, with over 250 preregistered kids, adjusting a lot of registrations can be a challenge.

What if we need to leave early or come late?

Please let your coach or assistant coach know.

Start on the day you can or come when you can. Please try to arrive before 6:00 if possible. This allows your child time to find their coach and/or team. Please let your coach or assistant coach know what is happening in order for them to inform you where they will be.

Where do we pick up our child's T-shirt?

All T-shirts will be made available on the opening day of SPAM Camp. When your child arrives at their specific event (IE: Soccer, Art, Music etc) they will pick up their T-shirt based on pre-registrations. Please encourage your child to wear it each evening to identify with their group. If your child did not register in time to get a T-shirt, they can wear a shirt the same color as their team.

Can parents stay during SPAM Camp?

Yes! Parents are welcome to stay and watch what their kids are doing and learning.

What are the safety protocols?

Every child is required to check in with an adult 18 years old or older. Each coach will make sure your child leaves with the adult who has their check-out ticket received at check-in. Every adult will enter the auditorium through the far doors on the right and exit through the doors on the left.

Still have questions?